- For Inspection Questions, Difficulties or Report Questions, please include a full description of the issue, the date you moved into the house, and the date the issue arose. Please include your report number. Also, please include how we may contact you.


                 Contact: matt@affordable-inspections.com

- Scheduling, Inspection Report Questions and General   Questions:

Contact: tracy@affordable-inspections.com or

Contact: kristeen@affordable-inspections.com

- Sales and Marketing: Inquiries regarding full color sample reports, brochures, or other collateral marketing materials; Please let us know if you need brochures delivered to your office or if you would like an educational presentation for your office. 


Our Regional Marketing and Sales Director will ensure your needs are promptly met:

                Contact: yen@affordable-inspections.com


- Promotional Marketing inquiries, or questions regarding our website:

                Contact: linda@affordable-inspections.com

- For Accounts Receivable:


                Contact: janice@affordable-inspections.com


- Our Inspectors:
For inspection questions that you feel our well trained and knowledgeable office staff cannot answer, please leave an email for your inspector. Please describe your question and provide your report number. (Please do not contact Inspectors about scheduling, it will only delay your appointment.)

mike@affordable-inspections.com *

greg@affordable-inspections.com *

david@affordable-inspections.com *

evan@affordable-inspections.com *

jim@affordable-inspections.com *

jerry@affordable-inspections.com *



* Certified Senior Inspectors

Copyright 2000 Affordable Home Inspection, Inc.