Affordable Home Inspection, Inc.

This report describes the property conditions on the date of inspection, to accepted standards of construction, workmanship and maintenance.  Soil conditions, inaccessible features/areas, and cosmetic considerations are specifically excluded from the scope of this report.   The “Inspection Order” is an integral part of this report.  If it was not signed at the time of inspection, acceptance of this report and payment for the service constitutes binding agreement.  While every reasonable effort was made to determine the property condition, no guarantees are expressed or implied.

AFFORDABLE HOME INSPECTION, INC., principal is proudly a Certified

Member of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) and also a member
of the California Real Estate Inspection Association (CREIA - RET). They are the recognized professional organizations for Real Estate Inspectors.  ASHI and CREIA require that member companies provide knowledgeable inspection services; and mandate a strict code of ethics to assure the public that a member’s service is without conflicting interests.  Thus, AFFORDABLE HOME INSPECTION, INC. will not knowingly fail to report significant maintenance items; nor violate the confidentiality of our clients.  Our standards of inspection include “accepted practice for comparable age and quality” with respect to design features, material quality workmanship, and wear and tear.  Our service is NOT a code compliance inspection – you must consult the building department for such information.  Under no circumstances does AFFORDABLE HOME INSPETION, INC. warrant future life or condition of construction features. Any cost estimates discussed or provided are strictly a guideline to be confirmed by quotes from qualified contractors.

Thank you for selecting AFFORDABLE HOME INSPECTION, INC., Our business is primarily by referral so please recommend us to friends and associates who may not be aware of our services.

Call if you have any questions – we’re here to help!! 

Checklist of Items Inspected

GROUNDS - (pages 2 to pages 6 of 37)

Grading- visually inspected for possible conditions affecting the structural integrity, and adverse water conditions, NOT including subsoil conditions.  In particular, we check for VISUAL evidence of settling and/or improper grading that has resulted in structurally significant damage.

Driveway- Inspected for physical condition.  Minor cracks must reasonably be expected.  Asphalt driveways require periodic resurfacing; such routine maintenance items are not noted.

Walks- Inspected for physical conditions and possible hazards.

Patio- Patio and similar paving or decking and patio covers inspected for physical condition and hazards.

Fences and Walls- Inspected for reasonable physical condition.

Lawns- Noted if they are badly neglected; not if they would be improved by better care, weeding, etc…

Sprinklers- Inspected by proper installation and visual evidence of flooding, not uniform or complete spray patterns (if timered, and no manual bypass, we are unable to function test).

Landscaping- We report such conditions as tree limbs damaging roofs; tree roots damaging paving, and similar faults.


Pool and Spa- (if present) were inspected for reasonable cleanliness of the water and for significant damage to the tile, coping, and decking.  We do not report minor cosmetic damage, expected shrinkage cracks, in decks and plaster.   Due to the reflective nature and distortion of water, we are unable to judge the pool lining, unless the pool has been drained.

Mechanical Equipment- Operated to verify that it runs without leaking.  Timer not checked beyond manual operation of switch.  Heater operated only if in service at the time of inspection; otherwise checked visually for leaks only.  Back flush valves are not tested.  NOTE: all pools and spas require regular maintenance, including filter servicing, chemical balancing, water testing, and cleaning. These routine maintenance items are not included in our service.

Accessories- Accessories such as diving board, slide, pool sweep device, are visually checked for physical condition.  Pool sweeps are turned on for an operational test.  Cleaning efficiency is not judged.

Safety Features- Safety features are checked.  There are two safety enhancements which we recommend be added to any pool/spa.  These are not “faults” in the sense that retrofitting such devices are required by code:  Anti-vortex drain covers, which are much preferred to help prevent the concentrated suction at the drains, which too often tragically result in drowning.  Ground fault interrupter (GFI) devices on pool and spa light circuits reduce the risk of possible electrocution due to faulty light circuits.

Low Voltage Lights- Low voltage lights are not tested.


House Walls- Were inspected for water damage, settling damage and similar non-cosmetic defects. Paint condition noted only if it is failing to protect; not if repainting might be cosmetically desirable.  Note that minor shrinkage cracks in stucco are a cosmetic problem and not structurally significant; thus are not reported.

Chimney- checked for possible settling damage and proper flashing.

Foundation- visually checked for settling damage.  Note that houses of slab construction must reasonably be expected to have cracks, sometimes hidden by carpeting or tile.  This is normal and not reported unless the cracks threaten the structural integrity of the house.  On raised foundation houses, vents are checked for adequacy and screening; accessible portions checked for freedom from evidence of chronic water problems, and integrity of visible wiring and plumbing.

Roof- was checked for estimated remaining life.  When applied in a workmanship manner, roofing industry standards claim the following life expectancies for the following types of roofing materials – Rolled Composition 4-6 yrs., composition shingles 12-15 yrs., built-up (rock, gravel, etc) 10-15 yrs, wood shingle 18-20 yrs., medium shake 20-25 yrs., heavy shake 30-35 yrs., tile and slate 30-50 yrs., fibrous cement materials 30-50 yrs, (South facing exposures will wear out faster), faulty vents or flashing; and possible threatening trees or shrubs are also checked.  While every effort is made, it is virtually impossible to determine if a roof is leaking unless it is raining at the time of the inspection.  Our opinion does not constitute a warranty that the roof is, or will remain, free of water intrusion.  If a certification is desired, a licensed roofing contractor is the person best qualified to provide this service.  Due to their fragile nature, we do not walk on tile or slate roofs.

Garage- checked for safety features, ventilation, if gas appliances are installed there; and overall physical condition.  Door opener, if any, operationally tested (sensitivity of anti-reverse device is not determined, remotes not tested). Door and wall to house, if any, checked for proper fire protection features.  Wiring in garage checked for potential hazards.  Slab and foundation checked for potential hazards.  Slab and foundation checked for visual settling damage.

Other Building- if any, and inspected checked for physical conditions.


Water- piping checked for leaks, presence of main shut-off valve (not function tested), and if galvanized piping, for excessive pressure drop (some drop is to be expected, especially when compared to an all copper system).

Sewer systems and septic tanks systems- were not tested except to verify that all fixtures drain at time of inspection.  Ruptures or blockages can occur at any time and without warning.

Electric service- visually checked.  Main service panels are not removed nor is ampacity calculated.  Safety features checked include aluminum wiring considerations (representative sample, not 100% check of all outlets) and grounding.  On houses that have ground fault interrupters, these devices were tested for normal operation.

Gas service- visually checked. Each gas appliance that is in service at the time of inspection (except dryers, barbecues, and fire-pits) are operationally tested.  Appliances are visually examined for significant rust damage, and similar deterioration.  We do not pressure test lines, slight gas leaks are often undetectable.  We recommend that you contact the local gas company prior to the close of escrow to further evaluate gas appliances and piping.  This is provided as a free service.

Water Heater- checked for leaks, operation and strapping.

Furnace- checked for operation.  Generally, heat exchangers are not visible without dismantlement; therefore they are not within the scope of our inspection.  If they are a particular concern, we would recommend that the gas company be consulted prior to the close of escrow.  Thermostats and timers are not checked beyond manual operation of switch.  Uniformity and adequacy of heat or cool air distribution is not judged.  Purifiers and humidifiers are not inspected.  Ducting not inspected for hazardous materials.

Air Conditioning- Central air tested for normal operation provided the outdoor temperature was over approximately 60 degrees F (testing below that temperature is inconclusive).  Adequacy is subjective and not judged.

Laundry Facilities- checked for presence of a vent for the dryer and provision of gas and/or 220 volt electricity.  We do not operate washers & dryers; therefore a functional test of the vent, drain and faucets is not possible.

Water Softener& Water Purification Systems- Not Tested.


Entry- checked for damage to door, flooring, and similar features.

Walls & Ceilings- checked for water stains or damage, and physical damage (but not behind existing pictures, paneling, wallpaper, etc.) Minor cracking of plaster walls and slightly visible seams are considered reasonably normal and not reported.  When specified, wall installation is checked for presence and material.

Flooring- checked for condition (unless covered by carpeting, tile, linoleum, etc.)

Interior Doors- a sample was checked for physical condition and possible evidence of settling.

Windows- Visual check for water penetration, evidence of settling and overall physical condition; sample checked for broken panes and/or torn screens.  Efficiency of double pane glass is not judged.  Broken seals and vacuum loss may be present but not visible.  Not a 100% check.

Sliding Glass Doors- checked for tempered glass (reported only if the house is more recent than 1965, when the building code made tempered glass mandatory), normal operation, and water damage.  French doors are checked for operation and water damage.

Fireplace- visually checked for freedom from excessive creosote deposits within the flue (a potential fire hazard), for a functioning damper, for firebox or flue damage, and for evidence of smoking.

Stairways- checked for safety considerations and overall condition.

Attic- checked for ventilation, vent screening and active leaks. Not inspected for environmental hazards.

Wet Bars- Checked for normal operation and condition.

Balconies- checked for safe railings and satisfactory decking.


Range- checked for physical condition, operation of heating elements (and vent fan, if so provided). Lights, timers, and thermostats are checked.  Oven thermostats are not precise devices, and most manufacturers recommend a little experimenting, then adjusting cooking habits to compensate.  Built in microwave ovens are tested for operation (presence of dedicated circuit is not determined).

Dishwasher- checked for physical condition, leaks and operation.  Washing efficiency is not judged.

Disposal- checked for condition, leaks and operation. Grinding efficiency is not judged.

Sinks- checked for physical condition, and visible conditions beneath the sink (water leaks, damage, etc.)

Cabinets and Counters- checked for reasonable condition, allowing for normal wear and tear.

Electric outlets- are checked for proper operation and grounding

Flooring- is visually checked for condition, allowing for normal wear and tear.

Lighting- is checked for normal operation.

Ventilation- is verified; either a window or by the kitchen being open to an adjoining ventilated area.

Compactor- tested for normal operation.  Compaction efficiency is not judged.

Water Purifiers- are not tested.


Tubs and Showers- checked for physical condition of finish, wainscoting material, and valves.  The drainage is checked and reported only if clogged.  Shower pans are not leak tested.  Overflow devices are not tested.

Lavatories- checked for physical condition of bowl and vanity counter, faucets, and leaks beneath.

Toilets- checked for physical condition, operation and for being solidly attached to the sewer flange at the floor.  Cracks in porcelain can occur at any time and without warning, therefore they should be thoroughly checked at the time of the final walk through.

Electric Outlets- checked for normal operation and grounding.

Heat- is tested if provided separately from the central heating system.

Walls- are checked for physical damage (but not behind wallpaper, paneling, mirrors, etc.).

Water Volume- checked in houses with galvanized plumbing for volume drop. This condition is reported if not within normal limits for this type of system. Due to the probability of creating a leak, shut off valves are not function tested.

Address:            2534 E. Sandalwood Court, Anahiem                  Report:            6110098-00

Date:                 July 16, 2000                                                      Ms. Ima Buyer

0000-00 Grounds

0001-00            Driveway                                                                                 Satisfactory                                          The driveway is concrete

0002-00            Sprinklers                                                                                Refer Below 

                        The sprinkler system is automatically controlled

                        The sprinkler valve/s leak constantly.

0003-00            Fence                                                                                       Refer Below

                        The fencing consists of concrete block, textured with stucco.

                        There is evidence of “step cracks” in the mortar joints of the block wall.  The                         cracks appear to be normal settling cracks (Cosmetic).

                       The fence appears to be leaning.  It is our opinion that this is not causing a                        problem at the present time, but should be monitored periodically.

0004-00            Walks                                                                                     Satisfactory

0005-00            Landscaping                                                                            Satisfactory

0006-00            Grading                                                                                   Satisfactory

0007-00            Yard drains                                                                             Satisfactory

0008-00             Pool/Spa                                                                                Refer Below

                        The pool spa is a plastered in ground installation.

                        The heater B.T.U. Rating: 325,000

                        The filter is leaking at the seal.

                       Testing of the back wash valve or functionality of the P-Trap is not within the                         scope of our inspection.  We would suggest that the owner or a licensed pool                         technician demonstrate their functionality, PRIOR to the closure of escrow.

                     The grounding/ bonding wire for the pool equipment is either well hidden or missing                       (unable to locate).  Underground equipment presents a safety hazard.

                      Our inspection doe not include testing timer devices for functionality or accuracy.

                     With minor repair and continued maintenance, this pool/spa should provide many                      years of enjoyment. PLEASE READ and follow the safety precautions we have                      included.  Refer to the “Home Safety” section, pgs 6 &11.

0050-00 Exterior

0051-00            Walls                                                                                        Satisfactory

                          The exterior walls are constructed of stucco over wood framing

0054-00            Chimney                                                                                   Refer Below

                         In order to prevent water intrusion, the flashing around the wall and roof should                          be resealed

0055-00            Foundation                                                                               Satisfactory

                         The structure has been constructed on a concrete slab on grade. AS a general rule,
                         homes or buildings constructed after 1959 have been bolted to the foundation.

0056-00            Roof                                                                                         Refer Below

                         This is a composition shingle roof. When applied in a workmanship manner,                          roofing industry standards claim that it has a 15-20 year life expectancy (south                          facing exposures will wear out faster). Our opinion of the roof is based upon a                          visual inspection of the roofs surface and associated components. Our opinion                          does not constitute a warranty that the roof is, or will remain free of water                          intrusion, if you want the water tightness of the roof determined, you should                          contact a licensed roofer for a warranty.

                         The inspector conducted his inspection of the roof from its surface, walked upon                          the surface and visually examined all accessible components.

                         Approx. Age of Roof in Years:            8-10

                         The roof jack/s are not properly sealed.  This is one of the most common causes of                          roof leaks.  There are missing shingles.

                         If the necessary repairs are made in a professional manner, it is our OPINION                          there are five or more years of remaining life in this roof.

0058-00            Raingutter                                                                                      Refer Below

                         The rain gutters are full of debris.  This should be removed prior to the rainy                          season (and checked periodically) in order for the system to drain and function                          properly.  When gutters or downspouts become clogged, overflowing water finds its                          way to joints in fascias and soffits. Accumulations of leaves will wick water out of                          the gutter onto the roof, roof sheathing and fascia.  When maintained properly,                          the average life span of gutters and downspouts is approximately 30 years.

0059-00            Light Fixtures                                                                                  Satisfactory

0060-00            Doorbell                                                                                         Satisfactory

0061-00            Building Codes                                                                               Refer Below

                         Our service is not a code compliance inspection.  If any additions or modifications                          have been made to the properly, we would suggest that the appropriate building                          department or other authority having jurisdiction be consulted regarding permits                          and possible code violations.

0100-00 Utilities

0101-00            Water                                                                                               Satisfactory

                          The main water supply system is comprised of copper piping.  Copper is durable,
                          long lasting and considered to be the material of choice.

0103-00            MAIN SHUT-OFF                                                                          Satisfactory

                         Location:  Front hose –bib

0104-00            Electric Service                                                                                     Satisfactory

                         MAIN PANEL LOCATON: Lf side of structure

                         Service entrance: Underground Cable

                         Voltage provided by Local Utility Co: 120/240 v

                         Main panel Capacity [amps] 100

                         The main electrical system is wired with copper wiring.

                         The electrical system is protected from overload by circuit breakers. As a routine                          maintenance item, we would suggest that the breakers be: tripped” off and on at                          least once a year.  This helps to prevent sticking due to corrosion buildup or                          mechanical failure of their moving parts.


                         The service panel is grounded by a clamp to a cold water pipe.

0105-00            Gas                                                                                                 Refer Below

                         Every effort within the scope of this inspection had been made to determine the                          condition of all gas appliances and piping. Any unsatisfactory conditions observed                          were reported.  The Gas Company should be contracted to establish a “new                                      service” to the property (not just a “read &transfer”) PRIOR to your Pre-Closing                          Walk Through.  They too will evaluate the condition of all gas piping and                                      appliances. By doing this, you will be aware if any changes that may have taken                          place between the time of our inspection and your Walk Through.  The Gas                                     Company provides this service free of charge and welcomes your call (800-                                    427- 2200).

0106-00          Water Heater

                        Location: In the garage

                        Capacity in Gallons:    50

                        Date of Manufacture:  1993

                         The water heater is fueled by natural gas.  The average life span of a water heater                          is approximately 10 to 15 years, depending upon usage and care.

                         The water heater HAS been strapped to help prevent tipping in the event of an                          earthquake (the water in the tank is usable in the event of an emergency).

                        The drain valve is leaking.

0109-00           P/T Valve                                                                                        Satisfactory

0110-00           Shut-off Valve                                                                                 Satisfactory

0111-00           Venting                                                                                            Satisfactory

0112-00           Furnace                                                                                           Refer Below

                        Location: interior cabinet

                         The structure is heated by a (F)orced (A)ir (U)nit.  Refer to the “Home Safety”                          section, page 14 for Pre-season Conditioning tips.

                        The furnace is fueled by natural gas.

                        Furnace B.T.U. Input Rating: 225,000

                         The base of the furnace needs to be resealed with caulking (a minor, but important                          repair).

                         Openings in this area may allow products of combustion (CARBON MONOXIDE)                          to mix with circulating air, creating a potentially dangerous condition.  Please                          refer to the “home Safety” section, page 25-30.

0113-00            Air Condition                                                                             Satisfactory

                         Approx Outdoor temp (f): 85

                    Approx Intake temp (f):  67

                         Approx Return temp (f): 62

                         The structure is cooled by an electrically powered, central air conditioning unit.                          The average life span for a central air conditioning unit is about 12 to 15 years.                          Please refer to the “Home Safety” section, page 14 for Pre-Season Conditioning                          tips.

0200-00 Patio

0201-00            Slab                                                                                         Satisfactory

0203-00            Cover                                                                                      Satisfactory

0205-00            Electric                                                                                    Satisfactory

0212-00            Barbecue                                                                                 Refer Below

                         The gas line is corroded.  There are no apparent leaks at the present time, however                          we would suggest that this be monitored.

0214-00            Fire Pit                                                                                     Satisfactory

0300-00 Garage

0301-00            Overhead Door                                                                       Satisfactory

0302-00            Hardware                                                                                Refer Below

                         Non-safety springs have been installed.  We would suggest that the newer safety                          type spring be installed when the existing springs break or wear out

0303-00            Door Opener                                                                           Refer Below

                        The garage door remote control(s) was not available for testing. 

                         Would suggest that they be operated for proper function PRIOR to the close of                          escrow. The average life span of the door opener is approximately 10 years.

                         The opener is connected to an electrical outlet by an extension cord.  While it is                          not considered to be the proper method of installation, it does appear to be safe                          (more recent standards require that an outlet be installed that is dedicated just for                          the opener).

0304-00            Walls                                                                                        Satisfactory

0305-00            Slab                                                                                         Satisfactory

0306-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                             Satisfactory

0307-00            Elect. Switch                                                                            Satisfactory

0308-00            Elect. Fixture                                                                            Refer Below

                         There is evidence of exposed romex wiring.  Although romex is insulated, it should                          be protected against accidental cuts or punctures. This can usually be                                      accomplished with drywall, plywood or conduit.

0310-00            Fire door                                                                                  Satisfactory

0311-00            Firewall                                                                                    Refer Below

                         There is evidence of holes in the firewall. This weakens the integrity of the wall                          and promotes an UNSAFE condition.

0315-00            Ventilation                                                                                Satisfactory

0316-00            Laundry Tub                                                                             Satisfactory

0317-00            Washer H/U                                                                             Refer Below

                        The water faucet handle(s) is missing

0318-00           Dryer H/U                                                                                Satisfactory

                        Gas service is available

                        Electric service is available

0319-00           Dryer Venting                                                                           Refer Below

                        The venting for the dryer is not ducted to the exterior of the structure

0500-00 Entry

0501-00            Flooring                                                                                    Satisfactory

0502-00            Walls                                                                                        Satisfactory

0503-00            Ceiling                                                                                      Satisfactory

0505-00            Elect. Switch                                                                            Satisfactory

0506-00            Elect. Fixture                                                                            Satisfactory

0507-00            Doors                                                                                       Refer Below

                         The weather stripping around the door is deteriorated.

                         It appears that the threshold is leaking.

0508-00            Windows                                                                                 Satisfactory

0600-00 Hallway

0601-00            Flooring                                                                                   Satisfactory

0602-00            Walls                                                                                       Satisfactory

0603-00            Ceiling                                                                                     Refer Below

                         There is evidence of corner bead cracks on the ceiling.  This is a cosmetic                                      consideration.

0604-00            Attic                                                                                         Satisfactory

                         Method of Structural Framing: Conventional framing

0605-00            Insulation                                                                                  Satisfactory

                         “Rolled” fiberglass or rock fiber (batt) insulation has been installed in the attic.                           Both materials are non-flammable and proofed against moisture, rot or vermin.                           The thickness appears to be appropriate for the installation.

0607-00            Elect.  Switch                                                                           Satisfactory

0608-00            Elect. Fixture                                                                            Satisfactory

0613-00            Smoke Detector                                                                       Refer Below

                         The smoke detector is inoperative.  The State of California requires that residence                          be equipped with OPERABLE smoke detector(s).  This is a safety feature that                          needs immediate attention.  Requirements for placement differ from City to City. 

0615-00            Cabinets                                                                                   Satisfactory

0616-00            Doors                                                                                       Satisfactory

0700-00 Kitchen 

0701-00            Flooring                                                                                    Satisfactory

0712-00            Walls                                                                                        Satisfactory

0703-00            Ceiling                                                                                      Satisfactory

0704-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                             Refer Below

                         There is no provision for a [G] round [F] ault [C] ircuit [I] nterrupter.  While this                          may have been required at the original time of construction, it is a safety feature                          that you may wish to consider after occupancy. Recent standards for new                                      construction require that exterior outlets, garage outlets or any outlet that is                           within six feet of a water source, be protected.  Cost of installation is about                                       $25-$30.

0705-00            Elect. Switch                                                                           Satisfactory

0706-00            Elect. Fixture                                                                           Satisfactory

0707-00            Doors                                                                                      Satisfactory

0709-00            Windows                                                                                Refer Below

                        There is a BB hole in the window(s)

0709-00            Screens                                                                                    Satisfactory

0712-00            Cabinets                                                                                   Refer Below

                        One or more of the doors are loose.

                        One or more of the drawer guides are broken

0713-00            Counter Tops                                                                           Satisfactory

0714-00            Sink                                                                                         Refer Below

                          The sink is chipped.  This can usually be corrected with the use of a porcelain                           patch.  They are available at most home centers.

0715-00            Drain                                                                                        Satisfactory

0716-00            Faucet                                                                                      Satisfactory

0717-00            Disposal                                                                                    Refer Below

                         The disposal has wiring that has been “pigtailed.” This is not a proper method of                          installation.  There is evidence of corrosion on the disposal casing. While it is not                          leaking at the present time, it should be monitored closely in the future (disposals                          have life span approximately 10 years).

0718-00            Shut off valve                                                                            Satisfactory

0719-00            Dishwasher                                                                               Satisfactory

0720-00            Range Top                                                                                Satisfactory

                         The range top is fueled by natural gas.  The average life span for a gas range top is                          approximately 17-20 years.

0721-00            Oven                                                                                        Satisfactory

                         The oven is fueled by natural gas.  The average life span for a gas oven is                                      approximately 17 to 20 years.

0722-00            Hood                                                                                       Satisfactory

                         Self-filtering With Fan

0725-00            Microwave                                                                              Satisfactory

0800-00 Dining Room

0801-00            Flooring                                                                                   Satisfactory

0802-00            Walls                                                                                       Refer Below

                         There is a hole in the wall behind the door.  This is usually caused by a missing                          door stop or the door being opened to rapidly.  This is a cosmetic consideration.

0803-00            Ceiling                                                                                      Satisfactory

0804-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                             Satisfactory

0805-00            Elect. Switch                                                                            Refer Below

                        The electric switch is not operating.

0806-00            Elect. Fixture                                                                           Satisfactory

0807-00            Doors                                                                                      Satisfactory

0808-00            Windows                                                                                 Refer Below

                         The window(s) has been nailed or screwed shut, therefore we are unable to                                      function test.  It is our opinion that this is an UNSAFE PRACTICE. 

0809-00            Screens                                                                                    Satisfactory

0900-00 Living Room

0901-00            Flooring                                                                                   Satisfactory

0902-00            Walls                                                                                       Satisfactory

0903-00            Ceiling                                                                                     Refer Below

                         There are water stains on the ceiling.  It is our opinion that the stain is the result                          of a previous plumbing leak. We would suggest that the Transfer Disclosure                          Statement be consulted for further information.

0904-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                            Satisfactory

0905-00            Elect. Switch                                                                           Satisfactory

0907-00            Doors                                                                                     Satisfactory

0908-00            Windows                                                                                Satisfactory

0909-00            Screens                                                                                   Satisfactory

0913-00            Fireplace                                                                                 Refer below

                         There is evidence of a creosote build up.  Excessive creosote can cause chimney                          fires if not removed periodically.

                         We would suggest that a professional chimney sweep be consulted for routine                          maintenance and further evaluation.                       

0914-00            Damper                                                                                   Satisfactory

0915-00            Screen                                                                                     Satisfactory

0913-00            Gas lighter                                                                                Refer Below

                        The gas outlet has been capped, therefore we are unable to function test.

0917-00            Heating                                                                                   Satisfactory

1000-00 Family Room

1001-00            Flooring                                                                                  Satisfactory

1002-00            Walls                                                                                      Satisfactory

1003-00            Ceiling                                                                                    Satisfactory

1004-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                           Satisfactory

1005-00            Elect. Switch                                                                          Satisfactory

1007-00            Doors                                                                                    Satisfactory

1008-00            Windows                                                                               Refer Below

                         The window sill is deteriorated. We would suggest that you refer to the termite                          report for further information. Wood rot or termite damage is not within the scope                          of our inspection.                       

1009-00            Screens                                                                                  Satisfactory

1010-00            Sliding Door                                                                           Refer Below

                         The threshold of the slider(s) is deteriorated.  This causes difficulty in operating                          the slider and will usually become worse with age.           

1011-00            Sliding Screen                                                                          Satisfactory

1012-00            Fireplace                                                                                 Satisfactory

1013-00            Screen                                                                                     Refer Below

                        The “Pull Chain” for the fireplace screen is broken.

1015-00            Gas Lighter                                                                             Satisfactory

1016-00            Wet Bar                                                                                 Refer Below

                        There is no hot water to the wet bar.

1017-00            Heating                                                                                  Satisfactory

1300-00 Master Bedroom

1302-00            Flooring                                                                                 Satisfactory

1303-00            Walls                                                                                     Satisfactory

1304-00            Ceiling                                                                                   Satisfactory

1305-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                           Refer Below

                         One or more of the 3- pronged outlets are not grounded.  A non-grounded 3-                          pronged outlet gives a false sense of safety.  In the event of a malfunction,                                     grounding provides a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk                         of electric shock.

1306-00            Elect. Switch                                                                          Satisfactory

1308-00            Doors                                                                                     Satisfactory

1309-00            Windows                                                                                Satisfactory

1310-00            Screens                                                                                  Refer Below

                         The window screen(s) frame is bent.

1313-00           Wardrobe                                                                               Refer Below

                        The clothes hanger rod is missing.

                        The wardrobe door(s) is off its track

1314-00           Heating                                                                                  Satisfactory

1500-00 Master Bath

1502-00            Flooring                                                                                  Refer Below

                         There is a soft area of flooring.  We would suggest that the termite report be                          consulted for further information.

1503-00            Walls                                                                                        Satisfactory

1504-00            Ceiling                                                                                      Satisfactory

1505-00            Elect. Outlet                                                                             Satisfactory

1506-00            Elect. Switch                                                                            Satisfactory

1507-00            Elect Fixture                                                                             Satisfactory

1508-00            Doors                                                                                       Refer Below

                         The privacy lock does not function properly.

1509-00            Windows                                                                                Satisfactory

1510-00            Screens                                                                                   Satisfactory

1514-00            Bathtub                                                                                    Refer Below

                         As a matter of preventive maintenance, we would suggest that additional caulking                          be applied around the edges of the bathtub.  A long-lasting resilient material such                          as silicone or latex sealant is the material of choice.

1515-00            Shower                                                                                    Refer Below

                         This system takes a little longer than normal to drain.  Past experience shows that                          this is usually caused by gradual accumulation of debris (soap, hair, etc.) in the                          trap.  In most cases, this can be remedied with the help of commercially available                          drain cleaner (Draino, Liquid Plumber, etc.)

1516-00            Faucet                                                                                      Satisfactory

1517-00            Enclosure                                                                                 Refer Below

                         The door seal is not functioning properly.  This is usually the cause of wet floors                          after tub or shower use.

1518-00            Tub Stopper                                                                            Satisfactory

1519-00            Lavy top/sink                                                                           Satisfactory

1521-00            Lavy Drain                                                                               Refer Below

                         There is evidence of excessive caulking/tape around the sink drain.  This usually is                          done as a “temporary fix” for a leaky drain.           

1522-00            Lavy Stopper                                                                            Satisfactory

1523-00            Shut off valve                                                                            Satisfactory

1524-00            Toilet                                                                                        Refer Below

                         The toilet is loose at the floor; this is often due to loose flange bolts (the blots that                          secure the base of the toilet to the sewer flange).  WE would suggest that they be                          carefully tightened (do not over tighten, as this may crack the base) to prevent                          water damage from potential leaks.  If this is not successful, it may be necessary to                          install a new wax ring and reset the toilet.

1526-00            Cabinets                                                                                   Satisfactory

1527-00            Mirror                                                                                      Satisfactory

1528-00            Med. Cabinet                                                                           Satisfactory

1529-00            Heating                                                                                    Satisfactory

1700-00 Summary

1704-00            Comment                                                                                   Refer Below 

                         The above items have been noted for your consideration.  They may also be used to                          help prioritize maintenance needs.  It is our opinion that this property has                                      excellent potential and as deferred maintenance items are corrected, should                                      provide its new owner with many years of enjoyment.



* Functional Testing may not be possible ** Weather Permitting *** The Roof Rating is provided as an estimate, based on conditions at the time of inspection.  It is NOT a certification or a guarantee.

This report is presented as per our signed Iinspection Order and is subject to the terms and conditions agreed upon therein.  The report has been prepared exclusively for the client named on the title page and no other person/s should rely upon any information in the report.

This report does include all items covered in the Real Estate Transfer Disclosure Statement (TDS-14) and is not a substitute for the disclosure required by Civil Code 1102 et.seq.  You should consult with an attorney and or real estate broker regarding the additional items not included in this report.

We suggest that all items in the report be checked for proper operation our during your Pre-Closing Walk Through.  If there has been any inclement weather between the time of inspection and the close of escrow, we suggest that you consult with the seller regarding any adverse conditions (i.e. water, intrusion, flooding, drainage, etc.)

The concept, content, form and presentation of this report are copyrighted © 1995 by Gwailo, NO portion may be reproduced in any form whatsoever without the written permission of Gwiallo. Revised © 2000


The following pages represent a short, concise summary of our Inspection Report.  Here you will find the most significant items for your consideration. Please keep in mind that the “FACTS AT A GLANCE…” does not outweigh your need to thoroughly read and understand the full inspection Report.

It is not the purpose of our inspection and report to compile a “fix-it” list.  It is our purpose to familiarize you with the property and to help you prioritize needed maintenance.

Many properties are sold in “as is” condition.  The seller has put all parties on notice that he will not make any repairs or provide any credit for repair to the buyer. Other properties are sold with the expectation that some of the items may be negotiable.

If you find that you will be negotiating we have provided a convenient format that you, or you and your agent may wish to use. By “circling: or “x” ing you have the ability to ____ accept each item, ask that item be_____ repaired or, that ____ other action be taken.  Likewise, the seller may ____ agree ____disagree or propose something ____other.

Address:  #1 American Dream, Any City 91234-123          Report:            6110098-000
Date:         February 9, 1999                                               Ms. Ima Buyer

0000-00 Grounds       
0002-00 Sprinklers                                                                                Refer Below                                          The sprinkler system is automatically controlled.           
              The sprinkler valve/s leak constantly

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0003-00 Fence                                                                                       Refer Below                                       The fencing consists of concrete block, textured with stucco. There is evidence of step               cracks in the mortar joints of the block wall.  The cracks appear to be normal settling               cracks (cosmetic). The fence appears to be leaning, it is our opinion that this is not               causing a problem at the present time, but should be monitored periodically.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0009-00 Pool/Spa                                                                                Refer Below                        
              The pool/spa is plastered in ground installation.
               Heater B.T.U Rating: 325,000
The filter is leaking at the seal. Testing of the back wash               valve or the functionality of the P-Trap is not within the scope of our inspection.  WE               would suggest that the owner or a licensed pool technician demostrate their               functionality, PRIOR to the close of escrow. The grounding/bonding wire for the pool               equipment is either well hidden or missing (unable to locate).  Ungrounded equipment               presents a safety hazard. Our inspection does not include testing timer devices for               functionality or accuracy. With minor repair and continued maintenance, this pool/spa               should provide many years of enjoyment. PLASE READ and follow the safety               precautions we have included. Refer to the “home Safety” section, pgs 6 &11.

              Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0050-00 Exterior

0054-00 Chimney                                                                                  Refer Below
              In order to prevent water ntrusion, the flashing around the wall and roof should be               resealed.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0056-00 Roof                                                                                         Refer Below
              This is a composition shingle roof. When applied in a workmanship manner, roofing               industry standards claim that it has a 15-20 year life expectancy (south facing exposure               will wear out faster). Our opinion of the roof is based on visual inspection of the roofs               surface and associated components. Our opinion does not constitute a warranty that the               roof is, or will remain, free of water intrusion, If you want the water tightness of the roof               determined, you should contact a licensed roofer for a warranty.
The inspector conducted               his inspection of the roof form its surface. He walked upon the surface and visually               examined all accessible components. Approx. Age of Roof in Years: 8-10 The roof jack/s               are not properly sealed. This is one of the most common causes of roof leaks. There are               missing shingles. If the necessary repairs are made in a professional manner, it is our               opinion there are five or more years of remaining life in this roof.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0058-00 Rain Gutters                                                                         Refer below
               The rain gutters are full of debris.  This should be removed prior to the rainy season               (and checked periodically) in order for the system to drain and function properly. When               gutters or downspouts become clogged, overflowing water finds its way to joints in fascias               and soffits.  Accumulations of leaves will wick water out of the gutter onto the roof, roof               sheathing and fascia. W hen maintained properly, the average life span of gutters and               downspouts is approximately 30 years.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0061-00 Building Codes                                                                   Refer Below
               Our service is not a code compliance inspection. If any additions or modifications have               been made to the property, we would suggest that the appropriate building department or               other authority having jurisdiction be consulted regarding permits and possible code               violations.

0100-00 Utilities

0105-00 Gas                                                                                      Refer Below               
              Every effort within the scope of this inspection has been made to determine the condition               of all gas appliances and piping.  Any unsatisfactory conditions observed were reported.               The gas company should be contracted to establish a “new service” to the property (not               just a “read & transfer”) PRIOR to your Pre closing Walk Through.  They too will              evalute the condition of all gas piping and appliances.  By doing this, you will be aware              of any changes that may have taken place between the time of our inspection and your              Walk Through. The Gas Company provides this service free of charge and welcomes your              call (800-427-2200)

0106-00 Water Heater                                                                          Refer Below                                       Location: In the garage Capacity in Gallons: 50 Date of Manufacture: 1993 The water               heater is fueled by natural gas.  The average life span of a water heater is approximately               10 to 15 years, depending upon usage and care. The water heater HAS been strapped to               help prevent tipping in the event of an earthquake) the water in the tank is usable in the               event of an emergency). The drain valve is leaking.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0112-00 Furnace                                                                                  Refer Below                                       Location: Interior Cabinet The structure is heated by a Forced Air Unit. Refer to the               “Home Safety” section, page 14 for Pre-Season Conditioning tips. The furnace is fueled               by natural gas. Furnace B.T.U. Input Rating: 225,000 The base of the furnace needs to               be resealed with caulking (a minor, but important repair). Openings in this area may               allow products of combustion  (CARBON MONOXIDE) to mix with circulating air,               creating a potentially dangerous condition. Please refer to the Home Safety” section,               pages 25-30.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0603-00 Ceiling                                                                                      Refer Below                                       There is evidence of corner bead cracks on the ceiling. This is a cosmetic                                         consideration.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0613-00 Smoke Detector                                                                       Refer below
               The smoke detector is inoperative.  The State of California requires that residence be               equipped with operable smoke detectors.  This is a safety feature that needs immediate               attention.  Requirements for placement differ form City to City.  Please see “Home               Safety” section, pgs. 39-42.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0700-00 Kitchen

0704-00 Elect. Outlet                                                                           Refer below
               There is no provision for a Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter.  While this may have not                been required at the original time of construction, it is a safety feature that you may                wish to consider after occupancy.  Recent standards for new construction require that                exterior outlets, garage outlets or any outlet that is within six feet of a water source, be                protected.  Cost of installation is about $25-30.

0708-00 Windows                                                                                Refer Below                                        There is a BB hole in the window

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0712-00 Cabinets                                                                                   Refer Below                                           One or more of the doors are loose                        
               One or more of the drawer guides are broken.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: ____

0714-00 Sink                                                                                         Refer Below
               The sink is chipped.  This can usually be corrected with the use of a “porcelain patch”.                 They are available at most home centers.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0717-00 Disposal                                                                                  Refer Below
               The disposal has wiring that has been pig tailed. This is not a proper method of                               installation.  There is evidence of corrosion on the disposal casing. While it is not                leaking at the present time, it should be monitored closely in the future (disposals have a                life span of approximately 10 years.)

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0800-00 Dining Room

0802-00 Walls                                                                                        Refer Below
               There is a hole in the wall behind the door.  This is usually caused by a missing doorstop                or the door being opened to rapidly.  This is a cosmetic consideration.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0805-00 Elect. Switch                                                                           Refer Below                        
               The electric switch is not operating       
               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0808-00 Windows                                                                                  Refer Below
               The window has been nailed or screwed shut, therefore we were unable to function test.                 It is our opinion that this is an unsafe practice. Please refer to the “Home Safety section,                page 23.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0900-00 Living Room

0903-00 Ceiling                                                                                      Refer Below
               There are water stains on the ceiling. It is out opinion that the stain inst he result of a                previous plumbing leak. We would suggest that the Transfer Disclosure Statement be                consulted for further evaluation.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0913-00 Fireplace                                                                                 Refer Below
               There is evidence of a creosote build-up. Excessive creosote can cause chimney fires if                not removed periodically.
We would suggest that a professional chimney sweep be                consulted for routine maintanence and further evaluation.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

0916-00 Gas Lighter                                                                          Refer Below                        
               The gas outlet has been capped, therefore we are unable to function test.

1000-00 Family Room

1008-00 Windows                                                                                Refer Below
               The window(s) sill/frame is deteriorated. WE would suggest that you refer to the termite                report for further information. Wood rot or termite damage is not within the scope of our                inspection.

Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1010-00 Sliding Door                                                                             Refer Below
               The threshold of the slider(s) is deteriorated.  This causes difficulty in operating the                slider and will usually become worse with age.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1014-00 Screen                                                                                      Refer Below                        
               The “Pull Chain” for the fireplace screen is broken.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1016-00 Wet Bar                                                                                  Refer Below                                        There is no hot water to the wet bar.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1300-00 Master Bedroom

1305-00 Elect. Outlet                                                                            Refer below
               One or more of the 3-prongerd electrical outlets are not grounded.  A non-grounded                3pronged outlet gives a false sense of safety. In the event of a malfunction, grounding                provided a path of least resistance for electric current to reduce the risk of electric shock.
               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1310-00 Screens                                                                                    Refer Below                        
               The window screen(s) frame is bent.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1313-00 Wardrobe                                                                                Refer Below                        
               The clothes hanger rod is missing.
               The Wardrobe door(s) is off its track.

1500-00 Master Bath

1502-00 Flooring                                                                                  Refer Below
               There is a soft area of flooring. We would suggest that the termite report be consulted for
               further information.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1508-00 Doors                                                                                       Refer Below                                        The privacy lock does not function properly.
               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1510-00 Screens                                                                                    Refer Below                        
               The window screen is missing.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1514-00  Bathtub                                                                                    Refer Below
               As a matter of preventative maintenance, we would suggest that additional caulking be                applied around the edges of the bathtub.  A long lasting resilient material such as                silicone or latex sealant is the material of choice.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1515-00 Shower                                                                                    Refer Below
               This system takes a little longer than normal to drain.  Past experience shows that this is                usually caused by a gradual accumulation of debris (soap, hair, etc) in the trap.  In most                cases, this can be remedied with the help of a commercially available drain cleaner                (Draino, Liquid Plumber, etc.)

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1517-00 Enclosure                                                                                 Refer Below
               The door seal is not functioning properly.  This is usually the cause of wet floors after                tub or shower use.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1521-00 Lavy Drain                                                                              Refer Below
               There is evidence of excessive caulking/ tape around the sink drain.  This usually is done                as a “temporary fix” for a leaky drain.

               Buyer: ___Accept: ____ Repair:  Other: _____ Seller: ___ Agree: ___ Disagree Other: _____

1524-00 Toilet                                                                                        Refer Below
               The toilet is loose at the floor.  This is often due to loose flange bolts (the bolts that                secure the base of the toilet to the sewer flange).  WE would suggest that they be                carefully tightened (do not over tighten, as this may crack the base) to prevent water                damage from potential leaks.  If this is not successful, it may be necessary to install a                new wax ring and reset the toilet.

1700-00          Summary

1704-00  Comment                                                                                 Refer Below
               The above items have been noted for your consideration.  They may also be used to help                prioritize maintanence needs.  It is our opinion that this property has excellent potential                and as the deferred maintanence items are corrected, should provide its new owner with                many years of enjoyment

The Buyer’s Pre-Closing Walk-Through Inspection

We must advise you that one final and absolutely essential task remains; a pre-closing walk through by you, preferably accompanied by your real estate agent.

There are many reasons for conducting this inspection before, not after the close of escrow. A typical frame of one to three months may elapse between signing a sales agreement, scheduling our inspection, and the actual move in date.  Even though the possible recommendations for needed repairs of the home have been adhered to, many things can happen before your actual move in.  Occasionally things become apparent at this later time due to furniture or personal property removal, different weather conditions and unpredictable, but common maintenance issues.

At this pre closing time, it becomes your responsibility as the buyer to make certain that all deficiencies found during or after your original inspection have been remedied and that any special agreements between you and the seller have been honored.

So what exactly does this pre-closing walk through entail?  Preferably four or five days before escrow is scheduled to close, re-inspect the property to make sure that everything is in order.  To make the most of your pre-closing walk through, Affordable Home Inspection has integrated a checklist expressly for this purpose into your repot.  Please refer to the vertical boxes at the left margin of your inspection report.  Each component of your home is represented here.  You may start at the top of the report (Grounds) and proceed to the end, or you may start with any room or section and proceed until each item has been addressed. If the item is “satisfactory” you should put a mark in the "S" box.  Items that have been repaired unproperly, need repair or are “unsatisfactory” should be marked in the “U” box.  The checklist is very thorough in detail; however, you will want to keep the following items in mind.

§  No damage has occurred to he home since you agreed to buy it (beyond normal wear and tear).

§   The fixtures, appliances, floor coverings, window coverings, or any other personal property the seller agreed to leave in the house are still there and operational.

§  All work you’ve requested by the appropriate specialists has been satisfactorily completed (request copies of warranties, receipts and the name and telephone number of contractors)

§   All major systems, including gas (see #0105 of your report), electrical, water, and plumbing devices are in good and working order.

§   If there have been any inclement weather between the time of our inspection and the close of escrow, consult with the seller regarding any adverse conditions (i.e. roof leaks, water intrusion, flooding, poor drainage, etc.)

Although the pre-closing walk through inspection does indeed require your time and perhaps a bit of inconvenience, many unfortunate events may be circumvented by acting now, and not having to react later.

Home Safety

Our "Home Safety" Section is a must read for all homeowners.

Table of Contents:

1. To Catch a Thief
2. Case the Joint
3. Outwit the Law
4. Alarm the Larcenist
5. Thwart Theft While on the Road
6. Electronic Burglars
7. Kids In the Know
    - Preschoolers
    -School Age Children (6-12)
    - A Secret vs. a Surprise
8. Emergency First Aid
9. Poisoning
10. Severe Burns
11. Choking





Copyright 2000 Affordable Home Inspection, Inc.